Harold's CGSF Application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 24, 2021
1. Steam ID: ?

2. In game name: Harold

3. Do you have any bans? (ANY BANS WILL RESULT IN YOUR APPLICATION BEING WITHDRAWN): Yes, I have one active right now and one from a bit ago

4. Do you have a mic? Yes but I dont like talking to people

5. Is this your first application? If not please link ALL previous CGSF applications.


6. If you had to estimate, how many hours of Police/SWAT role-play would you say you had?


7. How would you deal with a suspect that was failing to cooperate with officers?

I would shoot them and if they disrespect me arrest them once they respawn (I would !bring them)

8. What would you do if you saw an Officer die?

I would do nothing as I am CGSF and are better anyway

9. During raids you will be required to act in a tactical and effective manner. If required how would you lead a raid?

I would spam hex shields until we are in the base and I will noclip so I am a harder target

10. If a suspect runs away from you as you're talking to him what would you do? (Keep in mind that failing to stop after being signaled by the police is a crime).

I would shoot him for disrespect or freeze him with my physics gun so he cant run

Do you meet the following criteria?
- Ability to stay calm
- Polite yet forceful
- Effective coordination
- Excellent marksmanship
-Great role-play ability
Rate out of 10 your skills on these

- Ability to stay calm: I cannot control my temper
- Polite yet forceful: 2
- Effective coordination: I have parkinsons
- Excellent Marksmanship: ^
- Role-Play Ability: I do not like roleplay I enjoy shooting


Well-known Member
Feb 6, 2021
Fantastic GCSF application Harold.com! In future, please refer to CGSF as their full titles!
C -
G -
S -
F - incredibly shit
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