Levin's Extremely Late Introduction


Active member
Mar 18, 2022
You probably know me from somewhere, be it MRP or SCP-RP. You may know me as Site Advisor Director Tyler Ninja Drake Blevins, or as that annoying 14-year-old that has been entrusted with too much power. Besides that, I don't have much to say about myself. I've enjoyed CivilGamers servers for about 4-5 years now (Don't tell enjin that I couldn't be on forums!) however I took a break in around 20...18? I'm not exactly sure.

I used to play CG DarkRP a LOT. I loved the hacking systems and all the intricacies. Nothing beats the day when I finally joined Dark/BlackNet or whatever it was called. Either way, it was definitely my favorite part of the entire server. I never became close with anyone from CG DarkRP so it's unlikely anyone knew me considering I was under a different alias at the time. Despite this, I still had MANY memories on CG, and it's definitely shaped me to the person I am today (for better or for worse).

A couple years pass and I start getting into SCP again. I watch a Jameskii video about SCP-RP and I decide "Hey, wouldn't that be fun?!", and so I played. And played. And played. It was a little much, but hey, it's okay. Second day on the server, I'm still an Officer, and I get kidnapped by these two people and dragged to some weird room (turns out it was F3 electrical) where I was asked a couple of questions by A-1 LT Reece Cook and O-1 LTCOM Dustin "Odin" Simmons. I was told told to pick one, A-1 or O-1. Surprisingly, I almost picked O-1, however I was held at gunpoint by Reece and decided to pick A-1.

Following this, I was asked a series of questions like "What do A-1 do?" and "How many O5 Council members are there?" and I answered those questions perfectly. Lucky for me, I was the leader of A-1/ISD on this shitty roblox group in early 2018, so I still could recall some info. I didn't realize that I shouldn't know ANY of that info, but I got lucky because the inactive A-1 COM soon-to-be-inactive O5-1 probably decided we need to get our cap of 10-15 A-1 filled *cough cough* @Bubba *cough cough*. Afterwards, I was known as Tony "Eclipse" Levin, and soon after Tony "Steak Sauce" Levin.

After this, I climbed to the ranks of CSG, and I was offered Site Advisor. It was the toughest decision I've ever had to make on the server, but I think it's worth it tbh.

Now we're here. Modern-day Tony Levin / O5-4. The best Site Director ever.


Well-known Member
May 24, 2022
I've never really gotten to interact with you at all, but I can tell you're well put together. I look forward to getting to talk to you more in the future!