Resources to help get started with MNScript


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 19, 2020
Resources to help get started with MNScript
Links to tutorials, YouTube streams, and source code to help get started using MNScript​

The MNScript Forum Tutorial Series

At the time I'm writing this, this is definitely the best place to start. My number one piece of advice to anybody wanting to learn MNScript is to follow the series documented below. If you read through the tutorials listed below, and you actively follow along, then I'm sure you'll find lots of success when writing your own scripts.

  1. Compiling and running scripts - How to run / compile MNScript files [Hydro's Series Part #1]
  2. Using Variables - How to work with variables in MNScript [Hydro's Series Part #2]
  3. Writing code using library functions - How to use library functions in MNScript [Hydro's Series Part #3]
  4. If statements, and conditional logic - How to use if statements in MNScript [Hydro's Series Part #4]

Online Resources

Occasionally, we do MNScript live streams. I'll be uploading these to YouTube. Whilst I don't expect these will teach you how to use MNScript, I've found that I'm able to learn technologies quite easily when watching other people use them. Feel free to pause any of the videos at any point, and to use the code on-screen in your own scripts. Hopefully, these videos will provide valuable insight into how scripts are created.

Existing Scripts / Open-Source Code

Reading through existing scripts can be a good way to learn how to write MNScript, especially if you've already got experience writing code in other languages. I'd recommend that you keep up-to-date on scripts that are released on the forums. Posts that are made in this section could contain source code, and it could be a great opportunity for you to be able to learn numerous design patterns/features that the author has used whilst developing their script.

MNScript forums: MNScript | Civil Gamers Community

I'll try to keep this as up-to-date as possible, and if anybody would like me to include any additional resources in this thread then please feel free to leave a comment.
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