Scroll Lances Site Adviser app

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Scroll Lance

Well-known Member
Feb 16, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:194796976

Discord name: ScrollLance#9670

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 d and 3 h playtime

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: one of the Scandinavian countries

Time zone: GMT+1

Character name(s): "Alex Thornton"

Civilian name: "Scroll Lance"

Do you have a mic?: - yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: - none
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: -
one warn mic seaming because my brother was being a pain in the ass when I was talking and that counted as mic seaming

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?​
-IC because the site is in shamble's and I want to help implement new rules and standards for staff personal and the job that they do we are wasting why to much recourses on lets say MTF doing "gourd duty". That's what GECSEC is supposed to do and many more. but also I believe we can also use research to develop more then what we already know for MTF and helping whys to stop SCPs form wiping out all of foundation staff when they breach. also researchers and some IT can try to help design a "fake ID" for the MTF so GECSEC can take ID at the checkpoints without having the problem of people just walking in discussing as staff or just having a suit and tie.

-OOC I want to get RP moving and I think it would be a lot of fun trying it out

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:​
- I think I know the problems and whey's how to fix them and have been loyal to the foundation from the day I started working. I have very good idea's most of the time and I know the foundation in the top of my head. I can place foundation recourses in the right places if that is researchers, GENSEC, MTF, "special items", money, and time.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:​
making sure the people are doing there jobs that they are assigned to also making sure that there are compensation for it. and that high ranking staff does not abuse there power. and that all the foundation problems are being fixed and task are going well. when "special situations" happen we are supposed to know who and when to send the right people to deal with them and how to handle them the next time that happens.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:​
LEVEL 1 clearance needed
Cadet Alex Thornton : day 1 - 11
- working on D block most of the time making sure that I do well in my new job or at lest try to. I did many test with researchers and founding out how thing are done around here unfortunately researchers have done some "unethical test" and was not sure what to do. -
edit date █/██/████ [REDACTED] Alex Thornton: I should of arrested them for the crimes the done against humanity. I will make sure they will not treat [REDACTED] class ever again.

continuously on Cadet Alex Thornton : day 1 - 11

- been working and working trying to make sure I don't get in trouble did my work and almost done writing this report man the [REDACTED] class have been such a pain at best and dangerous sociopath masterminds at worst I don't know where they are getting them from but I don't remember poisoners being like this be for thank god the shift is over and id I'm lucky ill get promoted after this.

LEVEL 2 clearance needed processing 0% ...
64% ......99% ..100% clearance accepted
Officer Alex Thornton : day 11 - 30: - yes I got "field promoted" whatever that means I will have to deal with cadets and work more with research when they do more dangerous or redacted things at heavy containment zone "HCZ" for short I hope my first day on the job does not suck as much as being a cadet.

edit date █/██/████ [REDACTED] Alex Thornton: this was the time I started buying [REDACTED] from what in think was the GOI called [REDACTED] but it was the thing that was keeping me alive for this hole time like that time I killed SCP 079 on D block with a few shots and slowed SCP 457 for MTF to recantained it. there is more info later on the catalog.

continuously Officer Alex Thornton : day 11 - 27: so there's me telling some cadets on what to do and trying to get GENSEC to do more then just standing in one place its like only the sergeants care on what the others are doing almost got framed for giving D class guns by a cadet that would of ruined me. day: ██ one day boom SCP 079 ran out of his containment cell and killed everyone untill he got stuck in D block I shoot him many time and he dropped dead with many shots

edit date █/██/████ [REDACTED] Alex Thornton: "3 shots on the head"

continuously Officer Alex Thornton : day 11 - 27: and it was silent from there was this presentation about ethics and what to do when things happed with IA because of JR researchers was being unethical and even if it was for them where where 0 of them so meh I learned a lot form that. day: ██
SCP 457 or as they say the fire man broke out if its containment cell somehow and I shot it form the high point in LCZ and to my surprise it seemed to get weaker and weaker I didn't know fighting fire with fire was a good idea. I tried to join a [REDACTED] LEVEL 3 clearance needed.
processing 0%

13% ... 28% .... 50% decoding 77% ...... 99% .. 100%
clearance accepted
continuously Officer Alex Thornton: MTF code name NU7 hammer down I passed the training but they seem tp have forgot about me doing if maybe I didn't pass after all.

LEVEL 3 clearance needed
Sargent Alex Thornton: day 27 - 32 : a hard days work and a hards day reword or curse a I got promoted today for my hard work. Not much to do now and days how it goes I tell a cadet or a officer to help researchers and go to catwalk where d class sometimes take potshots at me i still don't know where they are getting there guns from I ask for MTF "Nu-7" or when they are understaffed E-11 code name "Nine-Tailed-Fox " to do a shake down at D block. and still don't know where they are getting them from and why the hell is the vents human sized are you saying that you cant use a some type of robot to clean them. well at lest I have cat like reflexes now always have a battle buddy at catwalk. it will save your live and make sure they are not doing anything like giving d class guns that is the only way that they can bet getting guns from. unless they are making them in d block somehow but that would be unlikely because MTF like a military group like Nu7 would notice most hiding spots.

Sargent Alex Thornton: day 32- ongoing : it was a normal day I was doing my work with D class with low amount of GECSEC nothing I cant handle them boom. SCP - 106 breached and intently pulled me into his pocket dimension is was like my skin and armor was getting removed by sand paper but I ran and ran like a lab rat and somehow got out. a MTF E-11 convinced me of going in the femur breaker for the greater good. so I did it and with a broken femur I use my gun I got from the GOI [REDACTED] and limped as fast as I humanly could past all the sick trials. and I don't know if I just god lucky or just that suborn but I lived. I made it to medial and they fixed me up and without a party I went back to work.

dialog ended

OOC also i would love a meeting at any time just give me a time and il be there in discord
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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 10, 2021
Northern Ireland
Well written application
Active ingame not sure of TS3
Great RP capabilities

Would be suited for advisor and certainly deserves a chance.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022


  • In depth application
  • Active IG
  • Haven't interacted with much in roleplay.
  • Unsure on activity on TS
  • N/A

Good luck.

Pan Police

Well-known Member
Oct 5, 2021
Seen in game not as much on ts
Well made app
No good RP interactions
From the interactions I've had of just watching you, you're very mingy...


Junior Developer
Junior Developer
Artist Team
Jan 1, 2022

+Good app
+Active in-game

Can't really say much else as I haven't interacted with you much


Civil Gamers Expert
May 31, 2021
skype headquarters

Application Denied

Good evening, @Scroll Lance. Firstly, we thank you for your time, writing applications show that you're willing to take time out of your day to show that you're willing to take that step forward.

However, after discussing your behaviour with other senior Foundation staff, we believe that you should show your activity and prove that your behaviour has changed drastically.

Good luck, and once again, thank you for your time.
You may re-apply in one week.

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