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Super Administrator
Super Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Group Moderator
Jan 1, 2021
-support (subject to change)
-unsure activty cause i believe you just came back from the serve
-referenced an other server(Its says in the recruitment rules to not put any other server on you're app besides civil gamers)
-Small event ideas very basic and unoriginal
-Map change event is kinda basic but i like the oil drilling site idea and also Higlands is an long term map that doesn't get used for map change events.

-Lack of detail and lore in application
-app seems rushed

Hello Nick. Iam leaving an -support cause you just came back from your break and your event ideas are sound very basic and not original. If you really want to get gm you need to edit this application with more detail, lore and clear objectives.

Good Luck


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2021
-minus support
-Events are pretty bad
-One event is very similar to one i posted on my application for gm
-no nato reg missions
-i could write better application with my eyes closed

Good luck??‍❤️‍?‍??

Pasi Huovila

MRP War Veteran
Apr 27, 2021
- Support

Hello Nick, even though I have never had negative interactions with you, I still have to go with the -Support.

Reasons are:

Your application is very bad in many aspects. First of all, as Michiel said in his verdict, you reference servers outside the Civil Gamers community. This breaks the rule:

5. Don't reference servers outside of the Civil Gamers community when applying, this will result in edits being made to your post and potentially your application being denied.
Your event ideas seem extremely low effort. For example your small missions are just "Downed pilot in settlement". You haven't explained anything for example: Who is the mission for? What else is there to the story than just someone crashed a helicopter? What do they have to do?

Then to the map change event.

You have mentioned some kind of backstory/objective which is the oil drilling, but the idea seems like you haven't really thought of it and makes me wonder, if this is the effort to your application, what would you be like as a GM?

You went with the simple highlands, which is one of our rotation maps. I usually appreciate people finding maps themselves from the workshop. Even if they aren't the best maps for MRP, it still shows they at least TRY to find a map. If it is only swamp they're fighting in, how can you fit 90+ players? Which is what we usually get in a map change event.

Then the regimental missions, I can see you misunderstood the question, but besides that your events are lacking a lot of the quality we expect from our game masters.

For Alfa Group and other regiments, kidnapping is a daily occurrence. You have to make the events interesting, not just the daily thing every regiment does. Regimental missions usually require a good backstory, which continues weekly on their missions. You have provided no backstory to your events and for example the 10th - ABT one, "Armored support", Who are they giving armored support to? Why are they giving armored support? Is someone attacking or are they just driving around the map in a tank?

Also you have only very recently came back to the server. I suggest you get a bit more playtime again and then re-apply if you're still interested in becoming a GM.

These are my reasons why I gave a -Support. I am not going to change my verdict unless I see huge improvements to your application.

Good luck.
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