[UK] Jimmy Wreckings Site Advisor Application

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Jimmy Wrecking

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 4, 2022

Discord name:

For how long have you been playing on CG-SCP:
Total playtime is over a week, and I have been on the server for around 2 months.


In what country are you located?:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island.

Time zone:
UK Time ( GMT & GMT+1 depending on Daylight Savings )

Character name(s):
Executive Researcher Jimmy Wrecking [S-1]

Civilian name:
Jimmy Pizza Jr

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
I currently only hold an Executive Researcher role

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have only received a verbal warning for meta-gaming by my own stupid mistake.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I am applying for a Site Advisor role within the foundation because I would like to further my career within the site administration, and this is the best step I could take. Being a Site Advisor, I would be able to create more RP experience for everyone within this position which would not only benefit me, it would also benefit the foundation.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I would be a good member of the Site Administration team as I have experience in the 4 different core aspects of the site (Support, Research, Affairs and GENSEC) having played within all 4 of those roles but, unfortunately, my combat level is not too high due to the fact that I enjoy the more administrative side of the server roleplay (creating documents, reports etc). With my experience within these roles, I have learnt all different aspects to do with the site, and have my own thoughts on the way it is all run, which I would be happy to attempt to introduce or talk about if I was to get this position (I'd even be happy to talk to someone if I don’t get this position, but I believe being a Site Advisor would make this come a whole lot easier).

Being an Executive Researcher, I have met with all different kinds of people within the site, be that the cadets, to the director of internal affairs, and various O5 council members, so I would be able to use that to talk to the different departmental leads of various positions with ease and respect. To go along with this, having been an Executive, I know the containment procedures necessary for any SCP if it were to breach, so I would be able to use this to assist in leading the containment of any particular SCP. Having seen quite a few breaches in my time as Executive, I know when things get too out of hand and something more drastic may be needed, be that permission to use the Advanced Armoury, or to initiate a code Black and evacuate the facility.

Having been the leader of RTF Sigma-1, I have learnt a lot about how to manage people and run with a team, so I would be able to use that experience to lead the people under me, while also listening to their concerns about anything that may arise, perhaps getting to a compromise if it is necessary that will satisfy both parties to an acceptable standard.

I believe that overall, I have the necessary experience to become a competent site advisor, and that bringing me onto this position would not be a mistake.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Being a site advisor has many different responsibilities, one of them is ensuring that the Site Director and other important administrative bodies are up to date with how the departments are run and any issues with them are brought up to light, with making sure that the appropriate actions are being taken to guarantee the safety of the foundation and Site-65. A Site Advisor is also tasked with the wellbeing of the facility and doing so if the Site Director is unavailable or is offsite at a business meeting.

The Site Advisors also have a job to ensure that the various departments of the facility is kept to a high standard with doing tours around the facility and ensuring that the rules are being followed within the facility, this can be done by keeping and eye on the various coms channel they have access to, as well as scheduling meeting with the various department leads.

Being a Site Advisor is a critical role within the facility due to the fact that they need to make sure that information is passed to the correct people when it is necessary to do so, as without this, the foundation would not be able to run smoothly.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:



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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2022
+ Big Support

Jimmy has been an absolute pleasure to work alongside through Sigma-1 and as an Executive. His managerial skills are very good and knows how to deal with individuals and groups of people efficiently. Has my full support for this role!


Well-known Member
Jan 18, 2022
+Also a Big Support

Jimmy has shown genuine roleplay in the server and has been amazing on every job role on the server, He can manage people efficiently and is friendly to each and everyone on site.
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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
+Enourmous support
+great activity
+good interactions
+leadership skills
+very approachable
+competent manager
+amazing rp

as a member of S-1 and his fellow executive, i have spent a lot of time with jimmy, and i can tell you that he is beyond qualified and capable for this role and most others
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Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

From what I have seen of jimmy is he has an amazing sense of pride and duty, only wanting the best for the facility and community with his interesting RP, brilliant leadership skills and knowledge of management, furthermore he is extremely approachable and a willing mentor to all.
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Jimmy Wrecking

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 4, 2022
+ Big Support

Jimmy has been an absolute pleasure to work alongside through Sigma-1 and as an Executive. His managerial skills are very good and knows how to deal with individuals and groups of people efficiently. Has my full support for this role!
Thank you for your support on my application; I do hope I can live up to your expectations if I do get this position.
+Also a Big Support

Jimmy has shown genuine roleplay in the server and has been amazing on every job role on the server, He can manage people efficiently and is friendly to each and everyone on site.
Thank you for your support; I do love to roleplay and I hope this position will enable me to do more.

+ Support

+ Great guy
+ Great RP interactions
+ Active IG
+ Active on TS3
+ More than qualified
+ Great leader
Thank you for your support, while my activity on TS is not as great as others; I hope to come on a lot more and be with the community, it's just a shame the research department doesn't use the TS a lot.
+Enourmous support
+great activity
+good interactions
+leadership skills
+very approachable
+competent manager
+amazing rp

as a member of S-1 and his fellow executive, i have spent a lot of time with jimmy, and i can tell you that he is beyond qualified and capable for this role and most others
Thank you for your support; I hope that I will be able to live up to your expectations.

From what I have seen of jimmy is he has an amazing sense of pride and duty, only wanting the best for the facility and community with his interesting RP, brilliant leadership skills and knowledge of management, furthermore he is extremely approachable and a willing mentor to all.
Thank you for your support, I can't wait to be involved in more RP with you if I get this position.

Tommy 'Romeo' Lee

Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Jan 1, 2022
Application Accepted

Congratulations @souK,
please contact any O5 Member in-game to continue the application process.
Once again, congratulations

- O5-1 'The Unjust
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Reactions: Jimmy Wrecking
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